Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Fundraiser: African Caribbean Vegan Dinner
You Are Invited!
You are cordially invited to the first fundraising extravaganza
of the IRT and Queen Mother Moore Saturday School!
This family unity event, sponsored by The Institute of Regenerative Truth (IRT) in collaboration with the Queen Mother Moore Saturday School and the Methodist Church in London, UK, will showcase Divine Soul Vegetarian cuisine, Divine Culture and Sounds of Deliverance genre.
Get your tickets NOW!
Only £10 for Adults
Time: December 8, 2012 from 4pm to 8pm
Location: Clapham Methodist Church Hall
Post Code: SW4 7SR
City: London
Country: United Kingdom/British Isles Jurisdiction
Contact: Atur on 0778 043 1114 for tickets and more information.
Contact: Atur on 0778 043 1114 for tickets and more information.
See you there!
Peace and Blessings
Peace and Blessings
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
GMO foods Cause Sterility in 3rd Generation
Editor's Note: From time to time we come across articles mentioning animal studies. We see these studies receiving attention in the media, and we see government bodies sometimes basing nutritional policy on such work, at least in part. Because this kind of information is being discussed in the public sphere, we bring it to our readers so you may be informed. But talking about animal research does not mean we endorse it.
Russia has started the annual Days of Defence against Environmental Hazards from the 15th of April to the 5th of June [2010] with the announcement of sensational results of an independent work of research. Scientists have proved that Genetically Modified Organisms are harmful for mammals.The researchers discovered that animals that eat GM foodstuffs lose their ability to reproduce. Campbell hamsters that have a fast reproduction rate were fed for two years with ordinary soya beans, which are widely used in agriculture and those contain different percentages of GM organisms. Another group of hamsters, the control group, was fed with pure soya, which was found with great difficulty in Serbia because 95 percent of soya in the world is transgenic.
Concerning the experiment carried out jointly by the National Association for Gene Security and the Institute of Ecological and Evolutional Problems, Dr. Alexei Surov has this to say. "We selected several groups of hamsters, kept them in pairs in cells and gave them ordinary food as always," says Alexei Surov. "We did not add anything for one group but the other was fed with soya that contained no GM components, while the third group with some content of Genetically Modified Organisms and the fourth one with increased amount of GMO. We monitored their behavior and how they gain weight and when they give birth to their cubs. Originally, everything went smoothly. However, we noticed quite a serious effect when we selected new pairs from their cubs and continued to feed them as before. These pairs' growth rate was slower and reached their sexual maturity slowly. When we got some of their cubs we formed the new pairs of the third generation. We failed to get cubs from these pairs, which were fed with GM foodstuffs. It was proved that these pairs lost their ability to give birth to their cubs," Dr. Alexei Surov said.
Another surprise was discovered by scientists in hamsters of the third generation. Hair grew in the mouth of the animals that took part in the experiment. It’s unclear why this happened. The researchers cannot understand why a programme of destruction is launched when animals take GMO foodstuffs. They say that this can be neutralized only by stopping to eat these foods. Consequently, scientists suggest imposing a ban on the use of GM foods until they are tested for their bio-security. The results of Russian scientists coincide with those of their colleagues from France and Austria. For one, when scientist proved that GM maize was harmful for mammals, France banned immediately its production and sale. The scientists who carried out the experiment say that it’s too early to make far-reaching conclusions about the health hazards of the GMO. They insist that there is a need to carry out comprehensive research. They suggest implementing the project, “Safety Gene Technology” at the innovation centre, “Skolkovo” which is being set up near Moscow.
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reference: http://www.vegsource.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi?f=list&l=news
The Comparative Anatomy of Eating
Humans are most often described as "omnivores." This classification is based on the "observation" that humans generally eat a wide variety of plant and animal foods. However, culture, custom and training are confounding variables when looking at human dietary practices. Thus, "observation" is not the best technique to use when trying to identify the most "natural" diet for humans. While most humans are clearly "behavioral" omnivores, the question still remains as to whether humans are anatomically suited for a diet that includes animal as well as plant foods.
A better and more objective technique is to look at human anatomy and physiology. Mammals are anatomically and physiologically adapted to procure and consume particular kinds of diets. (It is common practice when examining fossils of extinct mammals to examine anatomical features to deduce the animal's probable diet.) Therefore, we can look at mammalian carnivores, herbivores (plant-eaters) and omnivores to see which anatomical and physiological features are associated with each kind of diet. Then we can look at human anatomy and physiology to see in which group we belong.
Oral Cavity
Carnivores have a wide mouth opening in relation to their head size. This confers obvious advantages in developing the forces used in seizing, killing and dismembering prey. Facial musculature is reduced since these muscles would hinder a wide gape, and play no part in the animal's preparation of food for swallowing. In all mammalian carnivores, the jaw joint is a simple hinge joint lying in the same plane as the teeth. This type of joint is extremely stable and acts as the pivot point for the "lever arms" formed by the upper and lower jaws. The primary muscle used for operating the jaw in carnivores is the temporalis muscle. This muscle is so massive in carnivores that it accounts for most of the bulk of the sides of the head (when you pet a dog, you are petting its temporalis muscles). The "angle" of the mandible (lower jaw) in carnivores is small. This is because the muscles (masseter and pterygoids) that attach there are of minor importance in these animals. The lower jaw of carnivores cannot move forward, and has very limited side-to-side motion. When the jaw of a carnivore closes, the blade-shaped cheek molars slide past each other to give a slicing motion that is very effective for shearing meat off bone.
The teeth of a carnivore are discretely spaced so as not to trap stringy debris. The incisors are short, pointed and prong-like and are used for grasping and shredding. The canines are greatly elongated and dagger-like for stabbing, tearing and killing prey. The molars (carnassials) are flattened and triangular with jagged edges such that they function like serrated-edged blades. Because of the hinge-type joint, when a carnivore closes its jaw, the cheek teeth come together in a back-to-front fashion giving a smooth cutting motion like the blades on a pair of shears.
The saliva of carnivorous animals does not contain digestive enzymes. When eating, a mammalian carnivore gorges itself rapidly and does not chew its food. Since proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzymes cannot be liberated in the mouth due to the danger of autodigestion (damaging the oral cavity), carnivores do not need to mix their food with saliva; they simply bite off huge chunks of meat and swallow them whole.
According to evolutionary theory, the anatomical features consistent with an herbivorous diet represent a more recently derived condition than that of the carnivore. Herbivorous mammals have well-developed facial musculature, fleshy lips, a relatively small opening into the oral cavity and a thickened, muscular tongue. The lips aid in the movement of food into the mouth and, along with the facial (cheek) musculature and tongue, assist in the chewing of food. In herbivores, the jaw joint has moved to position above the plane of the teeth. Although this type of joint is less stable than the hinge-type joint of the carnivore, it is much more mobile and allows the complex jaw motions needed when chewing plant foods. Additionally, this type of jaw joint allows the upper and lower cheek teeth to come together along the length of the jaw more or less at once when the mouth is closed in order to form grinding platforms. (This type of joint is so important to a plant-eating animal, that it is believed to have evolved at least 15 different times in various plant-eating mammalian species.) The angle of the mandible has expanded to provide a broad area of attachment for the well-developed masseter and pterygoid muscles (these are the major muscles of chewing in plant-eating animals). The temporalis muscle is small and of minor importance. The masseter and pterygoid muscles hold the mandible in a sling-like arrangement and swing the jaw from side-to-side. Accordingly, the lower jaw of plant-eating mammals has a pronounced sideways motion when eating. This lateral movement is necessary for the grinding motion of chewing.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Rebirth!...Restoring Self Esteem & Emotional Well-Being
I was the 3rd speaker at The Health Awareness Day hosted by NetaVital & Mariandina Foundation on Sunday 30th September, 2012, Brixton, London, and I feel it was resounding success.
It was so beautiful to see so many health conscious individuals seeking understanding and personal solutions to take charge of their health and well-being. As I looked across the sea of people before me, I was really nervous. Everyone looked wonderful and expectant so I used my nervous energy by accepting how I felt and sharing it with my audience. There were so many people there. It was the largest crowd I’ve ever spoken in front of ... may be 300-400 people at the start of the event! Totally amazing! On the spot, I thought about what resources I could use that had helped me on other occasions when I was nervous before a presentation. Hmmm....?
I thought about doing what the others had done before me by getting everyone to share hugs with their immediate neighbour but thought no, they did that already. I thought about getting everyone to change their state by getting them to stand up but I thought against that and I decided to include everyone in a grounding and breathing exercise because I really needed it.
The first slide displaying on the projector was of rippling blue waters by a shoreline of trees so I had everyone absorb, tune into breathe deeply 2 or 3 times while thinking about the calming waters...
This did not take long but it did the trick! It got me in the right space to do what I had come there to do...help everyone discover simple ways to feel good and increase self-love and feeling good about self. I went on to share my story of major events that brought me to this point in my life and sharing this generally understated topic, yet valuable topic on self esteem and emotional intelligence. I started by sharing these ideas
- Feel like you sabotage your own efforts to succeed...
- Consciously want to heal, improve your eating habits, lose weight, get fit, find your ideal mate, or stop smoking...
- Want to be more relaxed or stress free...
- Keep finding yourself trapped in the same cycle or habit you been trying to break for years...
- Not feel good about yourself...
- Want to change and take action...
- Have you ever experienced a traumatic event or an injury that no matter what you do, you still feel like you are NOT the same anymore...that something is missing, and it still causes you stress, pain or discomfort in some way?
- Or have strong negative emotions when you interact with a certain person, or always get emotionally triggered by things people say to you, or by a specific memory?
- How true is it that you don’t feel worthy, deserving, good enough to have what you want?
The truth is, it’s hard to make any permanent changes to improve your health or your life unless you feel good about self inside and out.
Time was ticking as I didn’t have much time to get across the fullness of all I had prepared to share that day, I did want to touch on key areas that affect how we feel about ourselves, some of which is conditioned through upbringing, society, education, personal trauma and the affect of lies, deception and dis-ease upon us. I wanted everyone to know that each of us has within us the potential to heal if you only get the right keys, the right formula, to unlock that potential.
In summary, my topic covered these areas:
- 3 Scientifically Proven Facts About True Healing
- How Beliefs, Thoughts, Feelings And Energy Really Affect Your Health & Well-being
- Opportunities To Work With Me
- 10 Tips For Restoring Self Esteem & Emotional Well-being
As I said, wanted to give as much as I could in the little time I had so I started out by sharing that self esteem is how you feel about yourself and how much you love yourself. You must feel good about yourself and honour your emotions for true healing to occur. The only problem is that some of our most self defeating thoughts arise from our own belief system stored deep within the subconscious mind at cellular and energetic levels. The role of the subconscious mind is to run the commands you program into it, on auto-pilot. This is a natural part of our make-up, but problems arise when the beliefs stored in the subconscious mind are based on lies and deception. The imbalance and internal conflict this creates has the power to undermine your happiness, destroy your health and sabotage your success.
My goal is to assist you to restore balance, peace and harmony within so that your subconscious mind is in alignment and congruent with your conscious mind. Aligning how you consciously feel about yourself with how you subconsciously feel about yourself will raise your vibration to resonate on higher frequencies that will restore health and wellbeing.
The service I provide uses a powerful neuro-lingual and stress relief technique that combines psychology with ancient healing arts to neutralize the connection to those hidden parts of yourself that trigger your negative reactions and emotions. By helping you to accept and honour your feelings, the process also neutralizes, uproots and plucks-out barren belief systems, based on lies and deception, that affect how you feel about yourself and things that have happened to you whether an emotion, an event or trauma, or a symptom in your body that needs clearing from your energy system. Is this for you?
This is for you if you are ready to ...
- be true to yourself;
- feel good about yourself;
- neutralise emotional triggers;
- release the anger, guilt, worries, resentment, disappointment, loss, sadness, fear or pain that is subconsciously sabotaging how you really want to feel and all your efforts to restore wholeness to your mind, body and spirit.
In no particular order, I also shared...
Ten Tips for Restoring Self Esteem and Emotional Well-Being
- ACCEPTANCE. Acceptance Mirror Exercise. “I love, accept, respect and approve of you exactly as you are. I honour how I feel”. Acceptance of however you feel will help you move forward.
- HONESTY. Be honest with yourself and others - face your truth and confront the fears that this exposes.
- GRADITUDE. Be grateful for everything – even the hard lessons! Appreciate what we already have.
- LOVE. Love all of yourself: the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful about yourself, without limitations.
- FORGIVENESS. Forgive yourself and release the past ..so let it go then you can more easily forgive someone else.
- BREATHE. remember to breathe deeply and you will connect to your divine instructions - the Breath of Life.
- EXERCISE. Exercise regularly as our physical wellbeing relies on regular exercise to energise, redistribute energy around our body and keep it toned.
- EXPRESS YOURSELF. Keep a journal, sing, dance, talk to friends, draw, paint, do something creative to re-channel any potential stagnant energy
- MAP IT! Meditation, Affirmation, Prayer and Introspection – a key to self discovery.
- LAUGHTER. Laugh, express joy & Praise Yah in every possible moment - Hallelu Yah!
I really enjoyed sharing this information and the event in general. All the speakers and entertainment were fabulous. It was standing room only towards the evening! All told, I’m sure there were over 600 people in attendance. The vibe was so high and healing in itself. I felt so good. My self esteem was boosted considerably from the interactions and conversations I shared throughout the event. I discovered also the next day that because of this boost in feeling good about myself and doing exactly what I was supposed to do, I was able to take action in areas of my life that I had been avoiding. I was standing in my power and being true to myself. I feel good.
How good do you feel?
Love, peace and blessings,
Rofah Tekhiyah is a Divine Life Coach and a Doctor of Holystic Natural Healing & Regenerative Nutrition. To find out more on how to initiate your Rebirth! please feel free to contact me.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
A Celebration of Wholeness... Wholistic Health Awareness Day... Remembering Prof. Charles Ssali
Peaceful Greetings!
Just a quick note to let you know I will be a key-note speaker at the annual Wholistic Health Awareness Day on the 30th September 2012 in Brixton, London. There will be a lot of great speakers on different topics and a lot of other events too. All the details are attached.
Look forward to seeing you there...
Be at Peace Always,
Reviving Yah's Spirit in the Mind, Body & Soul (Resurrection)
Dear All
Warmest Greetings all, Mariandina Research Foundation in association with Neter Vital present a Celebration of Wholeness in remembrance of the late Professor Ssali, Inventor of the Mariandina range of food supplements (1930-2004)
In honour of Professor Ssali we will celebrate his achievement and work through a Health Awareness day for the whole family to be held on Sunday the 30th September from 2-9pm at the Lambeth Town Hall in Brixton. There will be a tribute to Professor Ssali, Speakers on Health, Consultations and Workshops to raise awareness and provide solutions on various health issues and challenges we face today. All are welcome. please pass the message on.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Watch Part 1 of 'Hungry For Change' Today

So what is stopping us from getting this?
From the creators of the groundbreaking documentary FOOD MATTERS comes another hard-hitting film certain to rock your world.
HUNGRY FOR CHANGE exposes shocking secrets the diet, weightloss and food industry don't want you to know about. Deceptive strategies designed to keep you craving more and more.
Could the foods we are eating actually be keeping us stuck in the diet trap?
In this free online premiere event you'll discover:
- How to navigate your supermarket - what to buy and what to avoid
- The real truth behind "DIET", "SUGAR-FREE" and "FAT-FREE" products
- How to overcome food addictions and cravings
- Why fad diets dont work
- What food additives to avoid and how to read labels
- What is fat and cellulite and how do we get rid of it for good
- The most effective detox and cleansing strategies, and
- How to eat for clear eyes, glowing skin and healthy hair
Featuring interviews with best selling health authors and leading medical experts plus real life transformational stories from those who know what it’s like to be sick and overweight.
Learn from those who have been there before and continue your health journey today.
Register below to watch the film online during the Free Worldwide Online Premiere, March 21-31, 2012.
The DVD will be available for purchase exclusively on this site from March 21st onwards.
By registering your details below you'll be notified when the DVD goes live.
Be the first to see inside the new film here:
Please DO share this with your family and friends. It is our mission to help this lifesaving message reach as many people as possible!
Plus you can also go into the draw to win one of 500 'Food Matters' DVDs sent directly to your door anywhere in the world.
If you have yet to share this free online premiere and enter into the draw to win you can do so here:
We can't wait to open the doors on the 21st!
In good health,

James & Laurentine
Producers 'Hungry For Change' & 'Food Matters'
Producers 'Hungry For Change' & 'Food Matters'
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