Monday, January 27, 2014

Siberian Ginseng: The Almost Forgotten, Perfect Adaptogen - Balancer and Energy Booster

Eleuthero...the root of this plant helps provide the long term energy and the ability to cope with very difficult stress that is so often needed in many everyday walks of life...  a powerful tonic for energy and stress without the word "Ginseng" on the label so its use was successfully "swept under the rug" as a popular, and effective, energy tonic.

by Christopher Gussa 

For some reason, lately, Eleutherococcus (Siberian Ginseng) has almost vanished from becoming a subject when health tonics for energy and stress issues are discussed. It used to be so common place and for a very good reason; It works!

Why have we almost forgotten about this truly amazing, fast acting, totally safe, and extremely powerful energy booster? I believe a lot of the reason for this is that the FDA had once forced all marketing of this amazing tonic herb to be labeled as "Eleuthero" and to avoid the name of "Siberian Ginseng" on any labels (Siberian Ginseng is much less expensive than Panax Ginseng) Technically this "law" is still in the books.

Many people don't relate to the name "Eleuthero" as a powerful tonic for energy and stress without the word "Ginseng" on the label so its use was successfully "swept under the rug" as a popular energy tonic.
 Chalk one up for the FDA on this one; however the purpose of this article is to help undo the harm the FDA has done to healthy energy seeking consumers.

Friday, January 17, 2014

10 Top Athletes: Fueled by Vegetables

Superstar Athletes Who Don't Eat Meat

It's still a common question:
Can vegetarians perform as well as their carnivorous counterparts in physical competition?
Take a look at each of the top level athletes, and you should have your answer. Featured in this artilce are ten vegetarian athletes who rose to the top of the sports world — without any help from meat. (Mother Nature Network)

Cover of Vegan Health & Fitness Magazine, Special Edition Plant Built Muscle Bodybuilding Issue – September 2013  featuring Torre Washington
This collectors edition covers the first competition of the all-vegan Plant Built Muscle bodybuilding team in Austin Texas, where 15 vegan bodybuilders went up against 150 other competitors. The vegans dominated this event, taking home 4 overall titles, as well as 5 first place wins, 5 second place wins, 5 third place wins and a fourth place win.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Friendship: 5 Tips for Bridging the Gap

I received this email from a good friend of mine, my “big sister" in fact! I thought it was powerful enough to share with like-minded souls seeking peace, love and truth.  

Read and share with your positive friends...

  1. The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve.
  2. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity.
  3. An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people.
  4. As you grow, your associates will change: some of your friends will not want you to go on.They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don't help you climb will want you to crawl.
  5. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don't increase you will eventually decrease you.

10 Considerations...

In Brief: What is EFT?

What is  Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT) 

In brief, Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping is a powerful stress relief process or tool combining psychology with ancient healing arts. – Specific acupuncture points on the face and torso are gently tapped while being tuned into a PROBLEM that needs clearing from your energy system. – The problem may be anything that needs clearing from your energy system.
  • An emotion
  • An event or trauma
  • A symptom in your body
The emotional and energetic releases brought about by EFT frequently result in profound healing within the mind, body or spirit.