Monday, November 7, 2011

ReNew Thyself Wellness Advance

+(44) 709 668 7441—UK  •  +1(268) 779-8650 –Antigua • +(44) 207-096-0490 –UK 

Are you healing, cleansing, purifying, purging, uprooting, releasing, unblocking, what ails you? 

 Take the ReNew ThySelf Wellness Advance and make it happen!

"The journey has truly helped me to embrace this quote: “You can't travel the ocean unless you lose sight of the shore.” Simply put, you can't truly experience the wonders of life unless you let go of those things which give you a sense of security.  I not long ago went through this Process - this Introspective Journey.  Debbie told me that this would affect me on a cellular level...and to be honest I didn't believe her, especially after I finished.  I felt that we went through layers of my emotions and conditioning....I was awake through it all...I was in control and I walked away understanding myself a little what could she be talking about?
In short, I walked away thinking I had the answer to the question which confused me. I knew what I should do in that moment.  The feeling was exhilarating....even though I had to leave a “sense of security” for something new and unknown. The feeling of focus of confidence in making a decision was all I needed. The weeks went by and then something I never thought would ever happen happened. The decision I had so confidently made...was actually just a step I needed to take to make me realize that I did not need to leave!!!
Amazing...the process has opened up my eyes to a strength that I have inside me to take me wherever my higher self wills me to go...even if at first thought my mind would say, “Well, this is crazy! What sense does that make!”
I am ever so grateful. Sometimes we need help in discovering the secrets which only our hearts know and this is what Debbie helped me to do.  With her silent wisdom, she has helped to face my dark secrets and fears to rediscover the light within myself."
Namaste, Antigua.
At the RENEW THYSELF WELLNESS ADVANCE we assist you in detoxifying your mind, body, spirit of the emotions, stress, congestion and pain that is compromising your GOOD health.  For balance and wholeness, we use a combination of time tested holystic therapies to provide a DIVINE healing experience. Even at a cellular memory level, we guide you introspectively and energetically to release the subconscious blocks to your success.  This is the transformational healing experience you have been looking for!

What a wonderful and enlightening experience; a very personal and heart-filled day of cleansing and massage. I was able to unlock one of the many doors keeping me from reaching my full potential with regard to my family relationships. Thank You, Tekhiyah.
Marcia L. Bailey, Baltmore, MD
Book your Wellness Day, 3-Day or 7-Day Wellness Advance (retreat) as part of your vacation/staycation in the Caribbean twin isles of Antigua and Barbuda—and TRANSFORM YOU LIFE!

“I had been having a strong physical sensation in my stomach whenever I saw I saw a particular person. Before I came to Antigua I had questioned myself as to why this would happen and how do I make it stop? When I got to Antigua, I had an Introspective Healing session with Tekhiyah and let go of some things I was really unaware of.  The next day I had a large bowel movement; I noticed a cold that had been lingering got better and I feel much more centred as a result of all this release. I also had a wonderful massage that relaxed and centred me even more. I feel GOOD!”

Vanyah, Israel


 1-Day, 3-Day & 7-Day WELLNESS ADVANCE


“The first thing that struck me was the atmosphere of peace and serenity which caused an instant feeling of well-being. I found Tekhiyah to be very informative about the body and its general connection to the food we eat. The colonic was again done in very peaceful and serene surroundings, not to forget to mention very clean, relaxing and comfortable. At the end of it all I felt refreshed and prepared to learn a change of lifestyle for at least 10-days...who knows may be longer."

Denise Marshall, Antigua

 "p.s. The abdominal massage made all the difference in the world”

Your Hosts:  Debbie & Tekhiyah Embracing Nature
Kudos to Tekhiyah and Choose Life Wellness!!! During my recent trip to Antigua, I visited the Choose Life & Wellness Cottage. The atmosphere is peaceful and inviting. I enjoyed the most amazing full body massage I've ever had....Tekhiyah worked her magic and left me feeling rejuvenated and elevated spiritually! And the Introspective Healing Journey... Ahh! After speaking with the Tekhiyah- the owner -about my life, she suggested I go on the JOURNEY. It was by far the most liberating experience I have ever had. For many years, I carried a lot of pain, resentment and self-loathing for things that happened to me in my childhood. On the JOURNEY, I was able to honestly address those issues and bring closure to that chapter in my life -making peace with those whom had harmed me, forgiving them and myself. Debbie, who guided me through the JOURNEY, was an incredible spirit!

I felt at ease, safe and secure in her presence. The sound of her voice was soothing and reassuring as I went to the most painful areas of my life and released hurts that were so deep that I know they could not have been reached any other way.
The reason I know this is because I've tried everything else! Thank you to Tekhiyah for her knowledge and expertise in healing of the mind, body and spirit and Choose Life & Wellness for being a garden of serenity giving me just what I'd been searching for all of my adult life......peace of mind. Choose Life is by far THE best place for healing of the mind, body and soul!!!"
Michelle Emayah Wheller, Atlanta, USA


+(44) 709 668 7441—UK • +1(268) 779-8650 –Antigua • +(44) 207-096-0490 –UK

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Morning Antigua & Barbuda!

Did you see me on Good Morning Antigua & Barbuda yesterday?

I was quite nervous as this was my TV debut!!!
I was telling everyone about my FREE HEALTH SEMINAR tonight at the Museum on Long Street!
If you saw it what did you think?
Will you be joining me later?

I'm sorry I didn't let you know earlier, but I was caught up moving and storing Choose Life and Wellness out of its former location over the weekend.

All in readiness to serve you higher and better and it all continues tonight with the HEALING WHAT AILS US NATURALLY SEMINAR.
If you are seeking healthy, living solutions to support GOOD HEALTH, to transform your health, come and learn...

· Find out what regular habit is making you sick!
· Why Plant-based Vegan Nutrition Will Transform YOUR Health
· The Truth about Plant Proteins & Animal Proteins
· Find out the effects Modern Eating Habits have on Your health and longevity
· How to use the Whole food Supplements& Super foods
· Importance of Alkaline Foods; How to prepare it, lose weight & restore health!
· Find out what is degenerative dis-ease and how YOU can reverse it!
· How to Lower your Cholesterol levels, HBP, excess pounds and...
· Increase your overall health effortlessly!

Hopefully, I will be sharing some vegan samples with you to taste how good dairy-free, meat-free, cholesterol-free, food is!

The seminar starts at 7pm...
See You There!!!

Peace, love & blessings,

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Free Health Seminar Series Starts


Reserve your seat at my FREE Health Seminar Series:

Healing What Ails Us, Naturally

Learn how to heal your
Mind, Body and Spirit
at my 3-part Seminar Series ...

For registration details
Call:(268)779-8650 or (268) 772-0116
or email

Venue: sWholefoods & deli, High St. St. John’s, Antigua
Part 1 –Tuesday 23rd August 2011, 5:30PM

Part 2 –Tuesday 30th August 2011, 5:30PM

Part 3 –Tuesday 6th September 2011, 5:30PM

Learn the Benefits of Regenerative Holystic Healing for Health, Wellness & Healing what ails YOU!

Find out

·        What regular habit is making you sick!

·        Why Plant-based Vegan Nutrition Transforms YOUR Health

·        The Truth about Plant Proteins & Animal Proteins

·        The effects Modern Eating Habits have on Your health and longevity

·        How to use the Whole food Supplements & Super foods

·        Importance of Alkaline Foods & Live Foods

·        How to transition from meat-based diets to Plant-based Living

·        How to prepare it, lose weight & restore health!

·        How to Detoxify the body

·        How to Heal the emotions, traumas and the past

·        What is degenerative dis-ease and how YOU can reverse it!

·        How to Lower your Cholesterol levels, HBP, excess pounds

·        How to combine it all for effective healing of mind, body and spirit

·        And... so much more

See you there!

Peace, love and blessings

Free Health Seminar Flyer

Friday, August 12, 2011


Choose Life & Wellness News
With effect from Wednesday 31, August 2011, appointments for the Cleanse & Purify services provided by Choose Life and Wellness will no longer be available.*
First and foremost, I would like to extend my gratitude and commendation to each and every one of you for embarking on the “Road to Life” by improving your health. It has been my greatest pleasure to serve you for the past 4 years, but it is time for me to take on a higher level of service. Therefore, this service will no longer be available at Choose Life and Wellness in its current format with effect from Wednesday 31, August 2011.

We live in a time where knowledge is power and I am so glad you had the opportunity to benefit from colon irrigation.  I just want to take a few moments of your time to share some valuable information with you again about the colon irrigation process and, pertinent information you may need to make an important decision about which direction you want to go with your health. Up or down? It’s that simple. So read on with an open mind and take advantage of my specials offers, which I will share with you today;  I want you to have  all that you need to help you make the transformation you so need in your health right now by providing some key information and the tools to help you transform the health of your mind, body spirit (and emotions) effortlessly.
As you know, colon irrigation also known interchangeably as colon hydrotherapy, colon cleansing, colonic, colema therapy and colon therapy, is a complete cleansing of the colon (large intestine) using filtered water and detox herbs.This cleansing is carried out using modern, safe equipment, light water pressure with no risk of colon perforation. The water is encouraged around the intestine using abdominal massage.

This natural therapy stimulates bowel activity by using the body's natural nerve and muscular response mechanisms, so helps counteract the acute effects of constipation, bloating, excess weight, a general bad-feeling, headaches and even dehydration. It so powerful it forms the basis for healing the chronic health challenges that ail us too.
Who would guess that such thing could accumulate
in the human body? Could this substance be the source of
 dis-ease, illness and poor health?
In fact, Bernard Jensen, author of Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, and renown pioneer of colon cleansing states:

“Unfortunately, the selection of poor [quality] foods and improper preparation methods often lead to bowel problems. Specifically, a lack of fibre in the diet increases the transit times of bowel wastes and stimulates the production of putrefactive bacteria in the bowel. Both of these factors have been linked not only to bowel diseases such as colitis, diverticulosis and cancer but also to chronic disease elsewhere in the body.”

Friday, August 5, 2011

Macmillan Cancer Support Says Four In 10 People Will Get Cancer

Original Post: Thursday, July 14, 2011 : Patrick Holford

Macmillan Cancer Support says four in 10 people will get cancer during their lifetime. This has risen from 33% a decade ago. The charity says the increase is partly down to an aging population but also says lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise, and improved diagnosis have also contributed to the rise. Clearly the the cancer war is being lost, yet we know so much more about what causes and prevents cancer and also how to treat it naturally, but why isn’t the message getting through?
Dr James LeFanu, medical columnist in the Telegraph, points out that “The cause of virtually every illness in the medical textbook…is quite unknown.” So, armed with causal ignorance, medical treatment targets only the tumour, not what causes cancer cells to develop. It is a gross oversight.

Three out of four cancers are preventable, says Cancer Research Campaign, with 85 to 90% of cancers being caused by environmental factors. You can cut your risk by 40% just by changing your diet, says World Cancer Research Fund. But, with the right supplements, including vitamin C, D, B vitamins and antioxidants, and lifestyle changes as well you can slash your risk.

 For a cell to become a cancer cell there are five necessary factors.

1.      DNA must be damaged. Free radicals are a major culprit, and that’s where high antioxidant diets come in.

2.      DNA repair mechanisms must be under par. Repair is largely done by methylation, dependent on folic acid, B6 and B12. Faulty methylation is indicated by   raised homocysteine levels, which is an excellent predictor for cancer, but I’ve never heard of a cancer patient having theirs checked. It should be routine.

3.      You need cancer promoters. Oestrogens, insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1) are key cancer cell growth promoters, raised by a diet high in sugar and refined carbs and milk – just what many cancer patients are given to ‘build them up’.

4.      Being significantly overweight accounts for 20% of a woman’s cancer risk, compared to 30% for smoking.

5.      The last pre-condition is a weakened immune system. Key nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc and phytonutrients from broccoli to turmeric are no brainers in an anti-cancer diet, but are rarely mentioned.
While surgery makes sense, since removing the tumour takes a load off the body’s immune system, conventional chemotherapy both weakens immunity and induces pretty horrible side-effects. It also isn’t very effective. A comprehensive meta-analysis of trials on chemotherapy concludes “The contribution of chemotherapy to five year survival in adults was 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.” They emphasise that these figures “should be regarded as the upper limit of effectiveness” (Morgan et al, Clinical Oncology, 2004).

As far as treatment is concerned few cancer sufferers know there are non-toxic chemotherapy agents. My three favourites are megadose vitamin C, salvestrols and photodynamic therapy.
 First proposed in the 60’s by Linus Pauling, megadose vitamin C is now proven to be profoundly anti-cancer. In animal studies it literally halves tumour size in weeks (Chen et al, PNAS, 2008), but you need very high doses, either by IV, or up to ‘bowel tolerance’ for oral doses. Megadose vitamin C does no harm to healthy cells.

Salvestrols are compounds in certain fruits and vegetables. Resveratrol in red grapes, is a type of salvestrol. These convert, only in cancer cells, into a toxic substance that kills cancer cells, but doesn’t harm normal cells (G.A. Potter & M.D. Burkey, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2006). Concentrated supplements of salvestrols are available. While human clinical trials have not yet been conducted there are some impressive case reports.
Photodynamic therapy gives cancer patients a photosensitizer agent intravenously, which accumulates in cancer cells. When it is activated by laser light, fed by a fibre optic cable into the heart of a tumour, it produces oxidants that kill the cancer cells.

These are three promising non-toxic cancer treatments but, of course, one ounce of prevention is worth a few pounds of treatment. The problem is that cancer prevention is clearly multi-factorial and unless there’s a single cause-effect, such as smoking and lung cancer, both governments and the medical profession have a hard time hearing the message or getting it across.
With £200 billion a year spent on largely ineffective cancer treatments, and the Cancer Act of 1938 that actually prohibits anyone other than a doctor treating cancer, this sorry state of affairs is unlikely to change. Those doctors that do use natural medicine have an unfortunate habit of getting struck off! So, it’s largely up to the individual to find out what they can and take brave steps, away from convention, to help themselves.