With effect from Wednesday 31, August 2011, appointments for the Cleanse & Purify services provided by Choose Life and Wellness will no longer be available.*
First and foremost, I would like to extend my gratitude and commendation to each and every one of you for embarking on the “Road to Life” by improving your health. It has been my greatest pleasure to serve you for the past 4 years, but it is time for me to take on a higher level of service. Therefore, this service will no longer be available at Choose Life and Wellness in its current format with effect from Wednesday 31, August 2011.We live in a time where knowledge is power and I am so glad you had the opportunity to benefit from colon irrigation. I just want to take a few moments of your time to share some valuable information with you again about the colon irrigation process and, pertinent information you may need to make an important decision about which direction you want to go with your health. Up or down? It’s that simple. So read on with an open mind and take advantage of my specials offers, which I will share with you today; I want you to have all that you need to help you make the transformation you so need in your health right now by providing some key information and the tools to help you transform the health of your mind, body spirit (and emotions) effortlessly.
As you know, colon irrigation also known interchangeably as colon hydrotherapy, colon cleansing, colonic, colema therapy and colon therapy, is a complete cleansing of the colon (large intestine) using filtered water and detox herbs.This cleansing is carried out using modern, safe equipment, light water pressure with no risk of colon perforation. The water is encouraged around the intestine using abdominal massage. This natural therapy stimulates bowel activity by using the body's natural nerve and muscular response mechanisms, so helps counteract the acute effects of constipation, bloating, excess weight, a general bad-feeling, headaches and even dehydration. It so powerful it forms the basis for healing the chronic health challenges that ail us too.
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Who would guess that such thing could accumulate in the human body? Could this substance be the source of dis-ease, illness and poor health? |
“Unfortunately, the selection of poor [quality] foods and improper preparation methods often lead to bowel problems. Specifically, a lack of fibre in the diet increases the transit times of bowel wastes and stimulates the production of putrefactive bacteria in the bowel. Both of these factors have been linked not only to bowel diseases such as colitis, diverticulosis and cancer but also to chronic disease elsewhere in the body.”
By using the body's natural nerve and muscular activity colon irrigation it may also help to tone and exercise the bowel, thus aiding evacuation of waste during and improving it after treatment.
One of the best things I like about colon irrigation is that the benefits of the treatment are very personal to the client. This means that as a client you will know exactly how you feel after the treatment. You won't need to be influenced by anyone else. You remember! You felt empty, light, energised, yet relaxed... Free!
The purpose of colon irrigation is:
· To get rid of toxins and wastes burdening the body
· To re-educate and re-tone the colon
· To re-establish more normal shape and form of stool. Colon irrigation tones the muscles in the colon wall enabling them to work more efficiently.
· To empty diverticula (pockets in the colon lining that can become full of waste, infected and very painful)
· To decrease toxicity from faecal matter staying in the bowel and putrefying
· To increase energy and well being
· To prevent the body building up excess toxins which if not eliminated contributes to degenerate diseases such as the effects of stress, heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis, cancers, HBP, strokes, reproductive issues and so much more...
While the thought of having a colema is not the most palatable to most, it is worth getting over the anguish in order to reap the amazing benefits to mind, body and spirit. Each treatment session lasts between 30 and 40 minutes, and should always be performed by a trained professional. A series of sessions is usually recommended and the cost will depend on area but the international standard is usually around £65.00 (approx $105us/$285ec) per treatment. Know you know, Choose Life and Wellness has been offering one session for $150ec, about ½ that price, for four years! What a bargain!
Once a series has been completed then one every 6 months to a year is normally advised. This will obviously depend upon the individual and the health of your bowel and your personal health goals and reasons for having the treatment.
But the real challenges occur as a result of the poor quality food ingested to fuel, energise and regenerate the body and the inability of the body in getting rid of the toxins this food creates.If you are worried about your health challenges or those of a loved one, from now until Wednesday 31, August 2011 for my existing clients only, I am offering you the opportunity to cleanse your body in a way you may have never had the chance to do before!
A Special Close-out Sale is NOW ON!
Coupled with the right eating plan you have a unique opportunity to REVERSE your personal health challenges and come out a winner! But this only works if you make the investment into securing your own health and wellness now. This is the real health insurance. And this is your time to take advantage of this special offer if... o You are tired of participating in the “Sick Care” system...
o You desire to shed unwanted pounds from your hips, thighs and belly to feel good about yourself...
o Your blood pressure or cholesterol is high and you don’t know how to control it...
o You have a family history of heart disease and need help to prevent it from happening to you...
o You have gall or kidney stones burning your insides...
o You have hormone imbalances and menstrual difficulties troubling you every month...
o You have diabetes and need a safe way to restore your health...
So, Don’t Delay...
Take advantage of this opportunity to transform your health. This offer ends on the 31th August 2011. So make your appointment now and let us work together to transform you, your health and your life! Please note if I ever bring back this service, it won’t be at this price ever again!Special Close-out Series Sale
· 7-series (single-bucket) including detox herbs, & Probiotic supplements
Normally $1250 now for just $850ec save $450ec!!!
· 7-series (double-bucket) including detox herbs, & Probiotic supplements
Normally $1880 now for just $1300ec save $580ec
Only available in this limited time frame. Please note: there is no discount available on single session treatments!
The truth is....
Our body is designed to stay alkaline and will do whatever it takes to do this. When we consume acidic foods and drinks, stop exercising and continually have negative emotions, our body is overrun with acids which creates stress and that stress creates pain, and pain causes major disruptions to daily life. Unsurprisingly the acid foods are the ones you already know are bad for you (cola, chips, chocolate, sweets, burgers, dairy and all meat) and the alkaline foods are the ones you already know are good for you (fresh foods, leafy green vegetables, salads, nuts, fresh fruits).I had to make the decision to upgrade my level of service in order to serve you better. You see, unless you change your diet, the difference you are seeking in your health just will not happen permanently. Yes! You will get temporary relief, but not the permanent relief you so desire.
The cleaner the food you eat, the cleaner your body, in contrast, garbage in, garbage out!
You’ll only get access to the transformation you seek by doing both:
· changing your diet while · doing the colon irrigation series
When you are able to add other lifestyle modifications such as a regular exercise routine, incorporating a regular stress relief regimen, applying introspective healing therapies and simply drinking adequate water too, your life will definitely advance in health and wellness for good. *From September 2011, colon irrigation will now only be available within the Sacred Living Wellness Packages supported by transitional foods options provided by our new restaurant, s-Wholefoods & Deli on High Street. These packages will provide you with a higher quality holistic healing experience, helping you to truly advance your health with confidence and in wellness. The Sacred Living Wellness packages include:
· Wellness Workshops & Seminars
· Wellness Day Advances
· Wellness Weekend Advances and
· The Regenerative Healing Advance
I will be sharing more details on the Wellness Advances closer to the launch date but I have to let you know why this is so important for you and for me. I made this pivotal service upgrade so that I can focus on coaching you on how to make a mind, body and spirit transition, without all the guess work, to make it easier for you to improve your health as a preventive measure and for restoring wellness from illness, while saving your mind, body and spirit from imminent dis-ease. Many of you remember from your visit how passionate I am about us all eating the right foods for our physiology, well its starts right there... and it’s simply natural. Why work against nature? So, the question is...
"Are You Ready To Go Successfully Vegan?"
Whether you are new to vegan food or have been trying to go vegan for some time, chances are that you will have struggled, or are struggling now - not just with the food and the question of "what exactly do I eat?", but also with other issues, such as those relating to friends and family, weight loss, cravings for "old" foods, social situations, comfort eating, nutritional concerns, what to feed children, how to make delicious vegan food meals quickly, how to lose or gain weight, how to gain energy, how to deal with conflicting information and more...Until now, going vegan and staying vegan has been a bit hit and miss for most of you, right? But it doesn't have to be this way...
If you are ready to bring more plant-based foods into your life, whether that is a little or a lot, then read on, because you CAN turn your vegan aspirations into an exciting vibrant reality - and a lot more easily than you think.
With 15 years of personal experience as well as the wealth of knowledge gained from eight years of learning, understanding and working with thousands of people, I finally reached a turning point where I had to admit that the real transformation occurs once you make the change to put more living food into your body!
Let me show you how at my first Sacred Living One-Day
Yes, going vegan has never been more easy, fun or exciting! After years of waiting, the maps, tools and supporting resources now exist and are ready for you - now all that that’s needed is your passion and commitment. There’s a whole new world waiting for you in every way when you choose living food over dead - and there’s never been a better time to do it. After all, if not now then when? How many more years need to tick by before you take the plunge and give yourself the gift of feeling truly and radiantly alive or get back your youthful bounce? If you’re ready then all you need to know is here.
If you love eating food, don’t worry because you’ll love it even more when you can eat as much as you want and don’t have to count calories to get back into your favourite pair of jeans!
Let me lead you through the maze easily and enjoyably so that your journey to health is faster and easier than mine was - it really is easy when you know how.Your time is now... the solutions are waiting. Are you ready to put an end to your confusion? Are you ready to commit to yourself, your body and your life and to begin your transformation today?
If your answer is "yes", then take full advantage my special offers and keep reading. If you have any questions, just email me. I'm with you all the way!
"...the keys to man's life...are found in plants"
Ben Ammi
Registration is now taking place for the most fundamental hands-on healing opportunity I am able to offer you. Get the keys to transforming your health using plant-based nutrition at the Antiguan Vegan Nutrition Workshop.
Remember that without dietary modifications, real healing is delayed or never comes. And if you want to live a healthier life, you must eat living food!
You are what you eat! This 7-sessions workshop originally ran for seven weeks for the unbeatable value of $875. We had so much fun and lives were definitely transformed.
To serve you better and get you active on the road to life, the Antiguan Vegan Nutrition Workshop is now offered as a one-day workshop. Join our workshop and learn how to make your transition from eating meat to plant-based foods effortlessly and deliciously. There are only 12 spaces available per workshop so register now and save big.
Don’t miss out.
Here's the information you'll need to join me on Sunday September 11th, 2011. Jot the following down on your calendar so you don't forget...registration ends Wednesday August 31st, 2011...
· Time: 9.30am
· Venue: sWholefoods & Deli, High Street, Antigua
Contact: Tekhiyah on 779-8650 or pop into the restaurant on High Street to register.
If you sign up before the 31 August 2011, get my special offer and attend for
only $475ec ...a whopping $400 saving!
Participants will also receive:
· Antiguan Vegan Workbook Healing thru Healthy Eating & Holystic Living in the Caribbean ... contains plant-based recipes and delicious meal suggestions, health tips, and more to improve your health valued at $60ec.
· Buffet Meal including everything we create that day.
· A certificate of completion in Transition to Plant-based Foods - Level 1
Wow, we have covered a lot more today than I originally intended. I mean, I know I promised you a lot, but you all really received a ton of great information! But, there just one more thing I want to share that I’ll think you’ll really love...and it’s FR*EE...It’s also important to understand some key facts on the effects of our traditional foods on our bodies and why it even triggers dis-ease within the body. So, to get you motivated and inspired to make this change you can learn this valuable information at no cost to you next week.
I would like you to join me at my FREE health & wellness series starting next week:
Healing What Ails You, Naturally!
Tues. 23rd August, 2011
Healing What Ails You, Naturally - part 1
5:30pm at Choose Life and Wellness Cottage
Tues. 30th August, 2011
Healing What AilsYou, Naturally - part 2
5:30pm at Choose Life and Wellness Cottage
Tues. 6th September, 2011
Healing What Ails You, Naturally - part 3
5:30pm at Choose Life and Wellness Cottage
Space is limited. so please call me, Tekhiyah, on 779-8650 to reserve your seat and receive more information on how and why to change what is killing you prematurely while learning how to avoid these pitfalls and start living in 3 free sessions, and get more discounts and bonuses just from turning up!
See you there!
Peace, love and blessings,
Tekhiyahp.s. Healing What Ails Us, Naturally is also available for FREE at your work site, church or community group. Call so we can arrange the details.
Success Stories"Visiting for the first time, I received a lot of information that was not clear to me before and I’ve learned a lot through video and [orientation] speech. For me, it was a good experience because I was unaware of this type of natural technology and what it could do for the body. After completing my first session, I felt amazing. Now I am hungry but I don’t feel all stuffed up and bloated, it’s a real relief! It is very amazing what water and a little massage of the stomach can do... I look forward to my next session soon. It was great and I’m feeling free and confident. "
Joanne Joseph, Antigua “The first thing that struck me was the atmosphere of peace and serenity which caused an instant feeling of well-being. I found Tekhiyah to be very informative about the body and its general connection to the food we eat. The colonic was again done in very peaceful and serene surroundings, not to forget to mention very clean, relaxing and comfortable. At the end of it all I felt refreshed and prepared to learn a change of lifestyle for at least 10-days...who knows may be longer."
Denise Marshall, Antigua "p.s. The abdominal massage made all the difference in the world”
"The first time I visited Tekhiyah I was scared; not sure what to expect. As she began to explain the I began to feel a bit more comfortable. During the actual process I did feel a bit of pain but upon completion I lost 4 inches off my waist and felt so much lighter and very relaxed. I’ve experienced fewer headaches as I’ve change my eating habits along the way and my menstrual cramps have been less severe and are now normal. Since changing my eating habits I have also lost around 20lbs."
Kathy Harris, Antigua
Kudos to Tekhiyah and Choose Life Wellness!!! During my recent trip to Antigua, I visited the Choose Life & Wellness Cottage. The atmosphere is peaceful and inviting. I enjoyed the most amazing full body massage I've ever had....Tekhiyah worked her magic and left me feeling rejuvenated and elevated spiritually! And the Introspective Healing Journey... Ahh! After speaking with the Tekhiyah- the owner -about my life, she suggested I go on the JOURNEY. It was by far the most liberating experience I have ever had. For many years, I carried a lot of pain, resentment and self-loathing for things that happened to me in my childhood. On the JOURNEY, I was able to honestly address those issues and bring closure to that chapter in my life -making peace with those whom had harmed me, forgiving them and myself. Debbie, who guided me through the JOURNEY, was an incredible spirit!
I felt at ease, safe and secure in her presence. The sound of her voice was soothing and reassuring as I went to the most painful areas of my life and released hurts that were so deep that I know they could not have been reached any other way.
The reason I know this is because I've tried everything else! Thank you to Tekhiyah for her knowledge and expertise in healing of the mind, body and spirit and Choose Life & Wellness for being a garden of serenity giving me just what I'd been searching for all of my adult life......peace of mind. Choose Life is by far THE best place for healing of the mind, body and soul!!!"
Michelle Emayah Wheller, Atlanta, USA"I attended the “Choose Life & Wellness” Vegan workshop mainly as a means of expanding the limited diet I had devised for myself and had been living on for several years. It is important for me to say that prior to attending the course, I considered myself to be in good health and reasonably fit; however, I nevertheless had concerns about the fact that some of my finger nails had become brittle and prone to frequent splitting. This (rightly or wrongly) I had attributed to the low to nil fat diet which I had devised for myself and so when I saw the advertisement for cooking for vegans, I promptly enquired and subsequently enrolled. What did I gain from this workshop? For a start I learnt that fat was an important ingredient for a healthy diet also that the range of foods available to vegans was much greater than I had envisaged. Consequently, I now employ healthy fats in my diet and although my nails are not completely cured, many of the cracks have disappeared and they look much healthier. In addition to the foregoing, I feel much more confident to experiment with various foods and have considerably expanded the range of foods I prepare and consume. I have pleasure in recommending the Choose Life & Wellness Vegan workshop to anyone who feels the need to improve his or her diet."
Harold Williams, Antigua
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