To be effective and truly holistic while improving your lifestyle it requires that your undertaking to achieve a better, healthier life, touches all aspects of your life, otherwise it is not whole and it won’t feel complete! This especially important when one embarks upon effective detoxification. And exercise is a valuable part of detoxification.
It’s important to find something you enjoy doing and to vary the type of exercise so that you cover these three basic aspects:· Stamina building – i.e. aerobic exercise, dance
· Stretching – for flexibility, i.e yoga
· Strengthening – weight bearing activity, i.e. weight training
If you want to feel fitter, lose extra pounds and burn up some excess energy or you feel you need more energy to get you through each day, walking every day is a low-impact exercise that will do it. 
This practice is more relaxing and fun than you may think.
I started walking again the other day and I was inspired by how unfit I’d become, to get more active!
Not that I’d stopped exercising completely, but I wasn’t doing enough that when I went on that long walk up and down hilly roads, my thighs were not burning and itching, and that I didn’t ache all-over for a few days afterwards! When none of that happens it’s a good indication for me that I am exercising effectively; regularly and challenging.
Holistic health requires consistent changes to ALL aspects of your life albeit gradually, but it still must be ALL!
I know this sounds daunting, but unless you change even one aspect of your life, how will you be able to test what works and is right for you? It’s important to test at least one new thing, for a period of time, to see the effect it has on you. Invest in your good health by applying time-tested and proven natural benefits to your life like exercising regularly.
If you are seeking to improve your health and wellness, if you are not EXERCISING regularly, you are doing yourself a great injustice. It does not have to be hard! But you do have to do it if you want your health to truly improve; MOVEMENT IS LIFE.
Exercise Enhances DetoxRemember: Regular exercise is a vital element in achieving and maintaining good health. Why? It not only tones our muscles, but also increases oxygen and nutrient supply to all our cells, helps remove body toxins and even improves digestion - core ingredients of efficient detoxification.
Our Heart Accelerates Cleansing
At rest, our heart pumps approximately 10 litres of blood per minute, bringing oxygen and nutrients to all parts of our body. Exercise increases this output many times per minute, delivering more oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to all our cells, and improving waste removal. The extra nutrients restore cells and help repair structural and chemical damage. This continues and is enhanced at rest.
A Boost to Our Waste Management System
Our lymphatic system works with our blood vessels to drain impurities from our cells. Toxins are expelled from our cells into our lymph vessels but the lymphatic system doesn't have a pump like our heart. Muscular movement stimulates lymphatic drainage, transporting wastes to our major detoxification organs for elimination. Improving waste removal helps our cells function more efficiently and reduces chance of illness. Bouncing on a trampoline or getting a massage are two easy ways to improve lymphatic drainage.Sweat It Out
As our body temperature rises during exercise we start to sweat. This is our body's way of cooling itself. Sweating is the best way to remove congestion from pores. This allows acids and other wastes to be flushed through our skin and reduces the load on our kidneys. Drink plenty of water during and after exercise to compensate for loss of body fluids.Digestion Improves
Exercise also improves our digestion and elimination of food wastes. Aerobic exercise stimulates our abdominal muscles to help move food through our digestive tract. This movement helps our colon cleanse by enhancing the passing of faeces, an important element in waste removal. The cleansing effects of exercise on our cells also improve absorption of nutrients and their conversion to energy.The Best Way to Lose Weight and Detoxify?
Forget jogging, gyms and fancy sports gear - the best way to lose weight, avoid illness and improve your brainpower is to simply take a daily walk!
It requires no gym membership, no spandex or Lycra and is an activity to which even the most fitness-phobic individual might not be averse. So what is the latest exercise trend that I am encouraging you to embrace for the good of your health and the leanness of your belly, hips, thighs? A daily stroll.
In 2007, the LA Times predicted that walking would be biggest fitness trend and that we will be taking to pavements in hordes akin to the jogging boom of the 1970s. Indeed, high-profile personal trainers on both sides of the Atlantic can now be spotted marching their clients around parks and pavements.
Walking is the most natural and fundamental of all human conscious movements; by putting one foot in front of the other and moving your arms in opposition, you can propel yourself forward at approximately 5km/h (3mph).Add "POWER", change your focus, adjust your technique, and at the pace can increase to 8km/h (5mph) or more. All the muscles in your body are used to create a dynamic aerobic activity that helps achieve optimum well being and fitness
Researchers in the field of sports and fitness have described walking as "the nearest activity to perfect exercise".
It seems far too simple to claim that a basic skill that most of us do without a second thought can be significant, but as you begin to learn more and more about your body and the benefits of walking you will realise that it is true; the action of walking may be simple but the results for your health and daily living are far reaching.Our society is becoming more sedentary and overweight. We drive our cars instead of walking even short distances; many of us spend hours seated at a desk at work, and thanks to computers we can even order our groceries without leaving home.
Not surprisingly, more people complain of posture-related aches and pains, and life really is no fun if every day is a battle to find our energy and sparkle. Yet we are missing one vital point; Exercise in any shape or form is an essential part of our lives, not an optional extra that we may or may not choose to do. MANPOWER!
Power Walking: Just Three Walks a Week Will Burn Calories and Build Muscle A growing number of men are discovering the fat-loss merits of power walking. In fact, the number
Power-Walking Technique
- Stand tall with your arms by your sides and pull your navel towards your spine so that your core muscles are working.
- Focus your eyes 5-6 metres ahead and keep your shoulders relaxed.
- Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle and cup your hands lightly, rather than clenching your fists.
- Leading with the heel, take a step forward with your right foot and move your arms in opposition (ie as your left arm moves forward, your right moves back).
- Transfer your weight through the heel of your right foot.
- It is much harder to walk at any speed without the propelling motion of the arms. A common mistake is to allow the arms to swing from side to side rather than backwards and forwards. Walking with straight, rigid arms is another bad practice.
Power Walking Benefits
The benefits of walking are countless. In addition to burning hundreds of calories an hour, walking has myriad other effects that will add to your overall physical and mental health:- Tones & strengthens muscles
- Helps manage body weight
- Boosts immune system
- Improves sleep pattern
- Better endurance so you can last longer--at work, on the court, even in the bedroom.
- Increased energy, especially after each walk, when your body remains revved up for a while.
- Improved heart health, as walking is considered one of the most effective lifelong activities you can do to prevent heart disease.
- Convenience. You can walk anytime, anywhere and on any surface, and shoes are all you need. (Walking shoes are best, but running shoes and cross trainers will do.)
- Stronger lower-body muscles--quads on uphills; hamstrings, calves and glutes on flats. Also getting a workout are the hip flexors, lower back, and especially effective in toning abs.
- Negligible risk of injury, because of minimal impact on the joints particularly when wearing the right shoes.
- Versatility. Walking lets you cross-train without beating up your body on days when you're not doing something more punishing, like running or playing basketball.
- Lastly, walking is both a great social activity, because it lets you combine conversation with cardio, and a great solo activity, because it lets you de-stress and problem-solve.
There is growing evidence that by striding out more often you will improve not just your physical but also your mental health and brainpower. Researchers from the University of Exeter reported that just five to 10 minutes of walking a day can significantly cut cravings for cigarettes among people trying to kick the habit.
Invest In Correct Walking Shoes
Firstly and always most importantly, if you are starting an exercise regime for the first time or starting back after a long lay-off from exercise, you should consult your health care practitioner and make sure that you are well enough to start now. Beyond your medical and before stepping out the door to walk invest in correct walking shoes (possibly your ONLY expenditure!) Get walking-specific trainer or shoe with a flexible sole one that has more bend in the toe than a runner's shoe, with cushioning at the heel and breathable upper otherwise using running shoes for walking will only cause you to overwork your shin muscles. Aim for 20 to 30 minutes 3 to 5 times a week
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