What On Earth Am I Here For?
I was in a class the other day and the topic was PURPOSE. One of my spiritual big brothers was teaching the class and he wasn't talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even long-term goals. He asked if we had ever asked the question "Why am I here?" — the very reason you exist.
The interesting thing about this question is that it often opens a gateway to a new reality once you are truly seeking the truth. Perhaps you believe you don't have a purpose and that life is meaningless. Not believing that you have a purpose won’t prevent you from discovering it, just as a lack of belief in gravity won’t prevent an apple from coming down if you throw it up. All that a lack of belief will do is make it take longer... You will bump your head get frustrated a lot and wonder even more often why life is treating you like this, especially if you don't have any idea of the direction you are going in life.

Here’s a story about Bruce Lee which sets the stage for this little exercise. A master martial artist asked Bruce to teach him everything Bruce knew about martial arts. Bruce held up two cups, both filled with liquid. “The first cup,” said Bruce, “represents all of your knowledge about martial arts. The second cup represents all of my knowledge about martial arts. If you want to fill your cup with my knowledge, you must first empty your cup of your knowledge.”
If you are unfulfilled. it is especially important for you to discover your true purpose in life. Therefore it is equally important to let go, release (empty yourself of) all the false purposes you’ve been given and accepted or taught (including the idea that you may have no purpose at all).
While there are many ways to do this, some of them fairly involved, here is one of the simplest that anyone can do. The more open you are to this process, and the more you expect it to work, the faster it will work for you. But not being open to it or having doubts about it or thinking it’s a meaningless, waste of time won’t prevent it from working as long as you stick with it — again, it will just take longer to come to you.
If you are READY to get started here’s what to do:

That’s it. It usually it takes 15-20 minutes to clear your head of all the clutter and the social conditioning about what you think your purpose in life is. The false answers will come from your mind and your memories. But when the true answer finally arrives, it will feel like it’s coming to you from an entirely different source. It is!
Here’s a story about Bruce Lee which sets the stage for this little exercise. A master martial artist asked Bruce to teach him everything Bruce knew about martial arts. Bruce held up two cups, both filled with liquid. “The first cup,” said Bruce, “represents all of your knowledge about martial arts. The second cup represents all of my knowledge about martial arts. If you want to fill your cup with my knowledge, you must first empty your cup of your knowledge.”
If you are unfulfilled. it is especially important for you to discover your true purpose in life. Therefore it is equally important to let go, release (empty yourself of) all the false purposes you’ve been given and accepted or taught (including the idea that you may have no purpose at all).
While there are many ways to do this, some of them fairly involved, here is one of the simplest that anyone can do. The more open you are to this process, and the more you expect it to work, the faster it will work for you. But not being open to it or having doubts about it or thinking it’s a meaningless, waste of time won’t prevent it from working as long as you stick with it — again, it will just take longer to come to you.
If you are READY to get started here’s what to do:
How to empty yourself of unwanted purposes
- Take out a blank sheet of paper and write a list of all the unwanted purposes you have been taught or are expected of you that leave you dissatisfied and unfulfilled.
- when you have emptied all this on to the page, burn it, bin it, rip it to shreds - anything that helps you acknowledge and accept that you have let go of what is not working for you.
- take note of how that feels? Are you empty yet? If not, do the process again until you are empty.
- Once empty you are ready to move on to discovering your purpose.
How to discover your purpose in life?
- Take out a blank sheet of paper or open up a word processor where you can type...
- Write at the top, “What On Earth Am I Here For?”
- Write an answer (any answer) that pops into your head. It doesn’t have to be a complete sentence. A short phrase is fine.
- Repeat step 3 until you write the answer that makes you cry. This is your purpose.
That’s it. It usually it takes 15-20 minutes to clear your head of all the clutter and the social conditioning about what you think your purpose in life is. The false answers will come from your mind and your memories. But when the true answer finally arrives, it will feel like it’s coming to you from an entirely different source. It is!
It takes some diligence to complete this exercise and it may take a while to get all the false answers out - don't give up!. Once you persist, you’ll be struck by a surge of emotion - this is the answer you are looking for. This, it may very well sound silly or strange to you. But it works, so do it anyway.

If you don't know where to start, then feel comfortable starting where you are, “I don’t have a purpose,” or “Life is meaningless,” and take it from there. If a few answers give you a mini-surge of emotion, but they don’t quite make you cry, highlight those answers as you go along, so you can come back to them later. Each reflects a piece of your purpose puzzle. When you start getting these kinds of answers, it just means you’re getting warm. Keep going.
It’s important to do this alone and with no interruptions. As you work through the exercise, it may take about 25 minutes or more before you reach your final answer although, you may see partial pieces of the answer (mini-surges) appeared at different points until you begin to refine your answers. You may feel resistance by way of wanting to get up and do something else, expecting the process to fail, feeling very impatient and even irritated. Don't give up! Allow yourself a 2-minute break to close your eyes, relax, clear your mind, and to focus on the intention for the answer to come to you— you may receive greater clarity after this break.
When you find your own unique answer to the question of why you’re here, you will feel it resonate with you deeply. The words will seem to have a special energy to you, and you will feel that energy whenever you read them.
Discovering your purpose is the easy part. The hard part is keeping it with you on a daily basis and working on yourself to the point where you become that purpose.
Obviously, this process won’t work if you quit before convergence. It may take up to an hour. If you’re really resistant to the process, you will simply quit early (like within the first 15 minutes) or won’t even attempt it at all. If so, I have a question for you.
What do you need to do to "empty your cup" and find out WOEAYHF?
Choose Life Well!
p.s. WOEAYHF = What On Earth Are You Here For?
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